Tell Ontario NDP and Greens to stand up for PR!

Tell Ontario NDP and Greens to stand up for PR!

image of Tell Ontario NDP and Greens to stand up for PR!

In a shocking move, Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca has just pledged to RESIGN if he can't unilaterally ram through his hand-picked, winner-take-all voting system for Ontario.

A non-proportional, winner-take-all "ranked ballot". Properly called Alternative Vote (AV).

Make no mistake:

Del Duca is pledging to force through the only voting system that experts show could deliver worse results than first-past-the-post.

A winner-take-all system that will concentrate power at the top even more.

A system that will perpetuate false majority governments and millions of wasted votes.

A "reform" that could lock us into a two-party system for decades to ...

In a shocking move, Ontario Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca has just pledged to RESIGN if he can't unilaterally ram through his hand-picked, winner-take-all voting system for Ontario.

A non-proportional, winner-take-all "ranked ballot". Properly called Alternative Vote (AV).

Make no mistake:

Del Duca is pledging to force through the only voting system that experts show could deliver worse results than first-past-the-post.

A winner-take-all system that will concentrate power at the top even more.

A system that will perpetuate false majority governments and millions of wasted votes.

A "reform" that could lock us into a two-party system for decades to come. 

Del Duca and the Ontario Liberals are COUNTING on public confusion and deliberate misinformation to deliver them the non-proportional voting system they believe will work for their party.

They are counting on a lack of serious leadership from the other political parties to get away with this scheme.

Would Ontarians rather have one party force through their preferred system OR go with the recommendation of an independent, non-partisan Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform?

Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform would give every system—including proportional representation and Alternative Vote—a close look and a fair shake.

A Citizens’ Assembly puts voters first.

Del Duca’s proposal to have a toothless citizens’ assembly AFTER he forces through his preferred system is absurd.

Steven Del Duca got something right:

Reforming our electoral system in Ontario is a hugely popular idea!

Ontarians are tired of unaccountable majority governments won with 40% of the vote, devastating policy flip flops, and most of our votes going in the trash.

Electoral reform will be a major election issue in Ontario.

We need political leaders who will take the high road.

Leaders who will set aside their dreams of a partisan power-grab—and think about making all voters equal.

Leaders who will put evidence first and deliver a process we can trust.

If we want to alter this collision course and put electoral reform on the right track, we must speak loudly—and speak up now!

Please send your letter to Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, NDP Democratic Reform Critic Peggy Sattler and Ontario Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner now. 


Tell the Ontario NDP and Greens to show leadership on electoral reform!

Send a message to Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath, Ontario NDP Democratic Reform Critic Peggy Sattler, and Ontario Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner asking them to say NO to winner-take-all ranked ballots and to show leadership on electoral reform! 

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Campaign complete

Thank you for telling Andrea Horwath, Peggy Sattler and Mike Schreiner to say NO to winner-take-all ranked ballots and stand up for citizen-led action on electoral reform!